
Tempa Rossa: a unique concept for technology and sustainability.

It has been designed and built to minimize industrial impacts and ensure the utmost attention to the safety and health of workers and residents in the area.

Prevention is better than intervention

Over the entire area of the plant, more than 2,000 sensors are active, detecting gas, smoke, heat, and fires. At the slightest detection of substances in the atmosphere, or operating conditions not perfectly corresponding to the norm, the automatic shutdown of individual components or the entire plant is activated until normality is restored.

Therefore, there is a very high level of attention that prioritizes the correctness of the process and the integrity of the plants over the productive aspect.

The Torch 

In case of a temporary shutdown of a unit for safety reasons, the gas present in the pipes is diverted to the torch and burned. This is a practice for the safety of the entire plant, indicating the proper functioning of the self-protection systems.

The Distribution System is Completely Underground 

To ensure the safe transport of crude oil, methane gas, and LPG, 8 kilometers of completely buried pipelines have been built, which extend from the Centro Olio to the "Val d'Agri - Taranto" pipeline in the Sauro valley; the methane is conveyed to the national gas distribution network (SNAM), and the LPG to the storage center in Guardia Perticara: two underground tanks of 1,500 m3 each, complemented by three loading bays equipped with sophisticated safety devices to prevent leaks during loading operations.


Sustainability is a comprehensive commitment, made up of concrete projects and initiatives that involve not only the natural environment but also the quality of life of people, with particular attention to the economic and social development of the community in which Tempa Rossa operates.

Maximum Control for Minimum Impact

For TotalEnergies, environmental respect is not just about full compliance with the strictest environmental regulations in force and the adoption of the most advanced industrial standards. TotalEnergies has developed an efficient environmental monitoring system, in compliance with regional requirements and the environmental protection agency Arpab. The system ensures environmental monitoring through detection points distributed throughout the Gorgoglione concession area; these fixed stations continuously detect data on the main environmental components: air quality, odors, noise, micro-seismicity.


Periodically, groundwater, surface water, soil, subsoil, flora, fauna, and biomonitoring are also checked.

The results of all monitoring are systematically transmitted to Arpab and made available through the Tempa Rossa App.